Crossing over to Google Pixel 2 after 7 years of iPhone usage.

Lawrence Tan
3 min readNov 14, 2017


I have been an avid user of almost all Apple products.

  1. Apple TV 1/2/3
  2. Macbook Pro/Air
  3. iMac
  4. iPad Mini/Air/Pro
  5. iPhone 4–7
  6. Apple Watch Series 1–2

And to be honest, I have been living in the Apple Ecosystem for a long while, seeing how iCloud came in after Dropbox and Google Drive.

So, why the sudden switch to Google Pixel?

Over the past few years, there is a common suite of softwares that I have been downloading and using no matter which spare phone/laptop I use:

  1. Google Chrome (and Gmail)
  2. Google Drive (Sheets, Docs, Slides)
  3. Google Calendar

While most of my friends and colleagues around me uses iPhone, it is relatively easy to share stuffs via Airdrop. But there are also a group of friends who uses Android devices, and I ended up uploading stuffs to Google Drive and share them.

If we were to probably draw a Venn Diagram like this:

We probably realise that both ecosystems supports Google extensively. So why not, make the switch to the overall ecosystem that owns both platforms?

Well, this is just my personal opinion. It probably still boils down to your own personal reference, I am seeking for practicality more than branding.

So I have used Pixel 2 for almost a week now and I am very happy with the phone, the main plus factors are:

  1. Camera (almost identical to that of iPhone 8, and it has HDR+ and Potrait mode)
  2. Fast-charging of up to 7hours in 15 minutes (doubt iPhone has fast-charging)
  3. Android Oreo Smart Lock (Voice unlock, Face unlock, Touch ID)
  4. Efficient access to all Google apps
  5. Google Assistant recognizes Singlish! (I’m a Singaporean) just a small +

and the list goes on and on … I will say its slightly unfair to compare this phone with iPhone X or iPhone 8+, but its comparable with these devices.

Examples of Photos taken with Pixel 2:

Overall, here I am only presenting some of the more visual and practical plus points of using a Pixel 2. If you are into hardware specs and numbers, you can visit other posts just by appending “vs” in your searches.

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Lawrence Tan
Lawrence Tan

Written by Lawrence Tan

Googler. Loves God, Loves my wife, Loves my Family & Corgis.

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